
Install Odoo 16 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with script

in 4 step

1. Download the script with the command line :

 sudo wget

2. Edit or modify the script as you wish with command line :

 sudo nano

 for example do you want to change port ,user for odoo  and etc.

3. Make the script executable with command line:

  sudo chmod +x

4. Execute the script with command line :

  sudo ./

Wait until finish the process.

if the process is done ,the are message as below :


Done! The Odoo server is up and running. Specifications:

Port: 8069

User service: odoo

Configuraton file location: /etc/odoo-server.conf

Logfile location: /var/log/odoo

User PostgreSQL: odoo

Code location: odoo

Addons folder: odoo/odoo-server/addons/

Password superadmin (database): cKFBa0xTFDYXQZ9E

Start Odoo service: sudo service odoo-server start

Stop Odoo service: sudo service odoo-server stop

Restart Odoo service: sudo service odoo-server restart

Good Luck